The Gothic era in painting spanned more than 200 years
and toward the end of this period some artists resisted Renaissance
influences and kept to the Gothic tradition. As a result the Gothic
timeline overlaps both the Italian and the Northern Renaissance
Notable during this period there was a revival of paint making
plus the Magna Carta. The Gothic style emerged in northern France around 1150
ending about 1400. In other places it continued to influence until the
beginning of the 16th century. Stained glass, manuscript illumination and
panel paintings were important to the Gothic Artist.
Altichiero 1330-1384*
Hubert van Eyck - c1366-1426
Henri Bellechose */
Jacopo Bellini 1400-1470/*
Giovanni BELLINI -
c.1430-1516 +
Bibufabzui Bebbi c1420-1477*/
Giovanni del Biondo 1356-1399*
Hieronymus BOSCH
- c1450-1516
Luis Borrassa 1350-1424*
Melchior Broederlam - 1381-1409/*
Dieric BOUTS - 1457-1475|
Andre Beauneveu 1335-1401*
Henri Bellechose 1415-1440*
Robert Campin *
Arnolfo di Cambio*
Jacopo del Casentino 1297-1358*
Pietro Cavallini 1250-1330*
Petrus Christus - * c1415-1473
CIMABUE - 1272-1302*
Puccio Capanna 1326-1350*
Gerard David * c1460-1523
Andrea di Cione 1308-1368*/
Jacopo di Cione */
Taddeo di Bartolo 1362-1422*
Giotto di Bondone c1267-1337*/
Duccio di Buoninsegna c1255-c1318*/
Master Francke
Gentile da Fabriano 1370-1427*
Andrea da Firenze 1343-1377*
Jean FOUQUET - 1425-1481*g
Bartolo di Fredi 1330-1410*
Taddeo Gaddi c1295-1366*/
Giotto *
Stefano di Giovanni c1400-1450*/
Hugo van der Goes - * c1440-1482
Benozzo Gozzoli - 1420-1497
Matthias GRUNEWALD - 1470/75-1528g
Fra Guglielmo 1235-1284*
Jacquemart de Hesdin 1350-1410*
Master Honore
c1416 *
Stephan Lochner c1400-1451*/
Pietro Lorenzetti 1280-1346*/
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Hans MEMLING - 1433-1494**
Cimabue Maesta /* c1285-1286
Duccio Maesta *
Jean Malouel 1365-1415*
Andrea Mantegna - 1431-1506
Simone Martini 1285-1344/*
Guisto de Menabuoi 1320-1397*
Giovanni da Milano 1350-1369*
Lorenzo Monaco c1370-c1425*/
Geovanni da Milano c1325-
Allegretto Nuzi 1315-1373*
Nino Pisano 1315-1368*
- c1395-c1455*
Jean Pucelle
Sassetta *
Puccio di Simone 1345-1365*
Konrad von Soest
Gherardo Starnina 1360-1413*
Francesco Traini
Jan van EYCK
1422-1441 g
Stefano da Verona 1375-1438*
Rogier van der Weyden * g
Konrad Witz - 1400/1410-1444/1446